Williams College, the Williams-Mystic Program, the University of Connecticut at Avery Point, and Mystic Seaport are seeking paper proposals in History, Folklore, Literature, Ethnomusicology, or other disciplines addressing aspects of music or verse of the sea or inland waters from the Age of Sail through today. The two-day symposium is part of a three-day event celebrating seafaring life through musical performance, and will take place on June 9 and 10 in the Greenmanville Church on the grounds of Mystic Seaport.
Topics have included shipboard work songs, songs of maritime or other occupational trades, seafaring cultures, ethnic influences, cultural exchanges, ballad and broadside traditions, technology, regional interests, and popular culture.
Graduate students are encouraged to apply.
To Apply, SEND PROPOSAL and CV to:
Erik Ingmundson, Attn: Symposium, Interpretation Dept., Mystic Seaport
75 Greenmanville Ave., Mystic, CT 06355-0990
Proposals can also be submitted via e-mail to erik.ingmundson@mysticseaport.org
Erik Ingmundson
Director of Interpretation, Mystic Seaport Museum
75 Greenmanville Ave., Mystic, CT 06355-0990
Contact Email: erik.ingmundson@mysticseaport.org