Welcome to the central location for all things archival on GlobalMaritimeHistory. On this page you will find links to the various projects and blog series which look at archival documents and volumes.
This is a relatively new focus for GlobalMaritimeHistory, and has happened in order to take advantage of the reality that more frequently researchers are taking advantage of cameras, and taking photos of documents to study at home. Yet, often, official digitization of documents lags behind. While archives have online catalogues to make it easier to call up volumes for research, they are rarely accompanied by photographs to give examples of what to expect. Here we aim to create a resource that people can use to improve their understanding of archival resources pertaining to maritime history.
One such resource are the Discuss-A-Doc posts, in which researchers talk about individual documents and why they are interesting/important.
The second resource are the ‘Discuss-A-Volume’ posts, through which Sam McLean explores the volumes that he looked at during his PhD research. As posts are added, a list will appear below.
National Maritime Museum- Caird Library
The National Archives- Kew
National Museum of the Royal Navy- Portsmouth
Bodleian Library- Oxford
No entries yet. Stay Tuned.
The third resource is our ADM 8 Project, which involves the transcription of reports in ADM 8 volumes 1 and 2, to create a research tool to allow researchers to look at an individual document, or to pull up all the records corresponding to a single ship, location or individual. This is an ongoing project.