The University of West Florida will host the 2020 Annual Conference of the North American Society for Oceanic History. May 14-17, 2020
Pensacola’s maritime history stretches back into the age of exploration. More than 60 years before the Pilgrims landed at Plymouth, almost a half century before the English planted the Jamestown colony and more than a half decade before the Spanish founded St. Augustine, Tristán de Luna brought his fleet of Spanish ships into Pensacola Bay. Luna sailed into the bay in the summer of 1559 to claim the territory for Spain and to provide protection to the valuable shipments of gold and silver. Following Native Americans’ use of the bay for it natural resources, the Spanish recognized the importance of a protected and deep water port. Although Luna’s colony lasted only two more years, it is “America’s First Settlement,” and represents Spain’s first attempt to control North American territory. The Spanish, English, French, Americans and the Confederacy, recognized the importance of the area’s natural resources as each fought for control of Pensacola, both as a military asset and for financial gain. Despite several military conflicts, numerous hurricanes, malaria outbreaks, yellow fever epidemics, and other disasters, Pensacola remained steadfast in rebuilding and recreating its community. More recent events, such as the Deepwater Horizon oil spill, severe weather events, and the effects of climate change have continued to challenge, not only Pensacola, but maritime communities throughout the world.
Using Pensacola as an example of the importance of maritime connections, the 2020 NASOH Conference invites paper and session proposals that explore maritime history and
archaeology as they relate to larger connections concerning landscapes, heritage and the preservation of cultural resources. Suggested topic areas include, but are not limited to, maritime landscape, archaeology, empire, race, gender, military, cultural contact, environmental impact, public history, cultural resource management, and historic preservation.
Papers from graduate students and junior scholars are greatly encouraged. Students may apply for a Chad Smith Travel Grant to assist in travel to present a paper at the conference. Additionally, the Clark G. Reynolds Student Paper Award is provided each year to the author of the best paper by a graduate student delivered at the society’s annual
conference. Please see the awards section of the NASOH website for details. Individual paper proposals should include
a.) An abstract, not to exceed 250 words
b). A 250-word
presenter bio
c.) Contact information including phone number, address, affiliation, and email.
Panel proposals may also be submitted inclusive of the above information for each paper. The deadline for proposal submission is February 1, 2020. Please submit proposal
packets electronically to the Program Committee. These should be sent to:, Program Chair. NASOH members interested in serving as panel chairs, please send an email to the Program Committee at the above address.