The Nautilus: A Maritime Journal of Literature, History, and Culture, a peer-reviewed scholarly publication, seeks submissions for its twelfth annual issue, to be published in spring 2021. Contributors are encouraged to submit manuscripts on any aspect of maritime literature, history, or culture, following MLA style, using endnotes and the works cited format. Manuscripts are usually in the range of 20-25 pages; however, shorter and longer works are sometimes accepted for publication. Submissions should be sent via e-mail to nautilus@maritime.edu or sent in duplicate via mail to the Editor (Kathryn Mudgett), Department of Humanities, Massachusetts Maritime Academy, 101 Academy Drive, Buzzards Bay, MA 02532. For more detailed information about the journal, including tables of contents of all previous issues, please see the website: http://nautilus.maritime.edu/
Deadline: January 15, 2021.
Contact Info:
Kathryn Mudgett, Editor
Contact Email: nautilus@maritime.edu