I’ve been thinking a lot lately about goals. Some goals are easily attainable. Some are not. Some goals are chosen in the heat of the moment, while others have been stewing in the back of our minds for years. Something that I’ve been contemplating a lot is to structure this dissertation process (and my life, even) in terms of goals. Short-term vs. long-term, with a sincere focus on accomplishing the short-term in order to reach the long-term. So here are my goals for the next few weeks (both academic and personal):
Start editing the BNH Book Reviews Site–As a new member of the website BritishNavalHistory.com, my role is to re-organize and edit the Book Reviews section. Since it’s going to take a lot of work, I want to make sure I don’t bite off more than I can chew. My first steps will be to go over the plan with Sam and Justin via Skype and then get more comfortable with editing the page through WordPress.
Construct new chapter outlines–Now that I have new, solid direction for my dissertation, I need to write up a new set of chapter outlines not only for myself, but to send to my advisor so that she and I are on the same page.
Join the Twitter #writingpact–I’ve seen several colleagues using the hashtag “writing pact” to keep themselves on point. This month, I’d like to start participating in “writing pact” and get at least half of my second chapter drafted. If I’m good, I’ll get the whole chapter drafted.
Write my teaching philosophy statement–Since I’ll be entering the job market in the Fall, I think it’s high time I get my teaching philosophy out on paper. While it seems overwhelming, I’m determined to get a draft of it completed this month.
Get back to the gym–In the last couple of weeks, with lots of traveling and friends visiting, I’ve fallen off my workout routine. I’ve decided that rather than sticking to the rigid daily routine I was working on before, that I’m going to incorporate a lot more cardio activity and then stick with the weight lifting routines I can do without a buddy.
Spend more time with new friends–I only have a short time left here in Fayetteville, so I want to make sure I spend as much time with my new friends here as I can. I want to designate at least one day a week to social time (in person, not online).
Start meditating–I recently realized that this PhD process has caused my depression/anxiety to rear its head. Most people would tell me that I shouldn’t share that little tidbit of information about myself because it pegs me as “crazy” or is “too much information.” But the thing is, I know that I’m not alone. I know that there are other grad students, other academics, other students dealing with similar issues to me and I think it’s important that we stop stigmatizing mental health issues. I’ve begun the steps I need to get this under control. And part of that process, I believe, should include meditation (and perhaps more yoga). It is my goal to meditate for at least 10 minutes per night until I fall into a true meditation routine.
Complete a 3-day Juice Cleanse–I want to help my mental health by also improving my physical health.
Do you have goals? Do you jot them down monthly? Daily? Weekly? Goals are good to have. Let’s rejoice in each other’s goals and help each other achieve them!