The International Commission of the History of Oceanography (ICHO) seeks a graduate student to support its online activities on the Commission’s official website.

The Fellow will be responsible for a number of projects and maintenance duties, noted below, and will receive a $480 honorarium. The duration of the fellowship is six months. This part-time position (about 1 hour weekly) can be held concurrently and in addition to other academic student employment or outside employment. Duties will commence in November 2020.
About ICHO:
The International Commission of the History of Oceanography (ICHO) is a global body devoted to linking scholars, writers, and teachers interested in the history of the marine sciences, broadly defined.
The Graduate Fellow will support the website’s co-editors in the some of the following tasks, depending on interests and skills:
• Web round-up / Write blogs
• Maintain ICHO Twitter account (ex: Post announcements)
Compiling / maintaining resource information:
• Update the “resources” page of the website
• Improve the ICHO shared Zotero library (ex: improving identifying tags)
• Reports on archives / special collections
• Maintaining a list/database of members
The ideal candidate for the Graduate Fellow position would be:
● A current graduate student in any field of study
● An excellent writer and editor who has media experience and/or is able to translate complex research and concepts into easy-to-understand language and/or synthesize various materials under a theme
● Comfortable with social media (ICHO maintains both Facebook and Twitter accounts)
● Familiar with WordPress
● Self-motivated
● Committed to ICHO’s mission to promote the history of the marine sciences
How to Apply:
The review of applications will begin on October 23rd and continue until the position is filled. Interested candidates can apply by emailing a CV and a paragraph explaining your fit for the position to both Antony Adler ( and Katharina Steiner (