The programme features private shipbuilding as well as naval dockyards because they built many of the ships that dockyards fitted out and maintained, and were typically owned or managed by former dockyard personnel. Workers often worked for both at different times.
PLEASE NOTE: IN-PERSON BOOKING DEADLINE Tuesday 11 APRIL to give NMM caterers notice of numbers, but people can book for an online place until Thursday 20 April.
In-person: £40.00
Online £20.00
FT Student with a university email address Free
Conference Programme
11.10–12.45 Morning Conference Chair Ann Coats
Celia Clark, Portsmouth Harbour: Exemplar of defence site regeneration?
Nick Ball, The Historic Dockyard Chatham: 40 years of regeneration.
Matt Beebee, Memory, temporality and living with industrial decline in Sheerness since 1960
12.25-12.40 Questions
12.40-1.40 Buffet Lunch
1.40–4.30 Afternoon Conference: Chair Ian Stafford
Jean-Baptiste Blain, German ‘U-Bunkers’ (U-Boat pens) built on French port cities, between reuse and oblivion.
Mark Barton: Why do we forget some Naval Dockyards – for built-in obsolescence, economic or geopolitical reasons?
Nives Lokoṧek and Luka Josip Erhardt, Innovatory rehabilitation of Hvar Arsenal and Historic Theatre to win the Europa Nostra Best European Conservation Achievement Award 2020.
2.55-3.10 Comfort break
Stella Jackson, The Kasbah Remade: Culture and Heritage-led regeneration on the Port of Grimsby
Keynote Professor Hugh Murphy, The Economic and Social Effects of a Shipyard Closure: Scott Lithgow at Greenock and Port Glasgow, Scotland, 1970–1990
4.10–4.30 Questions
4.30 Valediction and close
Dr Ann Coats Chair Naval Dockyards Society