This is a fascinating volume, one of many (many) Lieutenants’ Logs kept at the National Maritime Museum. This volume can be found in the Caird online catalogue here. It covers 8 May 1678 – 17 March 1678/9, when the Mary Rose made a journey to Ostend. It also includes ‘observations for our keeping compas in our voyage to Ostende and ffighting instructions in case wee meet with an enemie.’

‘observations for our keeping compas in our voyage to Ostende and ffighting instructions in case wee meet with an enemie.’ ADM/L/M/254/B f16
This really is an interesting volume as, in addition to the log entries, there is marginalia and other details that are really interesting. For example, Lomax sometimes includes bits of navigational calculations and details of fixes (like in the entry for Sunday, June 16th). On another sheet, it is recorded how the flagship will communicate to each of the ships in the squadron. Also included= unexplained- is a sketch of Carolina, including Cape Hatteras.
There is also a fantastic list of “The names of all ye seame:n belonging to his Majestys Mary Rose, which lists the crew and their positions.
This annotated list also includes those who were sick and left ashore at Deale. Other details include a list of the ships of the Royal Navy in 1678, and a partial list of those who entered into the Mary Rose‘s books as seamen. This volume should be of interest to those who study the early modern Royal Navy from a number of different perspectives as it provides an interesting diversity of information- albeit information that will require some effort in parsing.
Select photos from this volume (39 images total) can be found here. This is not a complete representation of this volume.