This volume continues from the last, and is a continuation of letters from the Admiralty to various receivers. From the stamp, this specific volume originated from the Admiralty Library, although it doesn’t seem to have an interesting story like the previous one. However, it begins with an index so you can find the letters by who they were sent to.
I have 255 images of this volume. Like the other volumes of letters, they have been copied in, in chronological order. This volume covers the end of the reign of Charles II as well as the beginning of the reign of James II.
This is not, however a perfect copy- there’s quite a bit of overwriting and correction and cross outs. This is not some fine copy, but it looks like a reference copy. It turns out that the final order in this volume under Charles II was to send 4 months of gunner’s stores to the Dartmouth. Interstingly enough, James II’s orders begin with ordering other ships to be furnished with gunners’ stores. This can be seen in the photos where I’ve linked above.
These photos could be extremely useful for anybody who researching the day-to-day activities of the Admiralty and how it functioned logistically and operationally.