This post is to share the latest wonderful resource from the generous Roy Metcalfe, who has gone to Kew and taken some more photos. These photos are from ADM 234/1 BR 1 (1951), the earliest BR1 catalogue that Kew has available in the catalogue. It’s also the first entry in the ADM 234 series. As you can see, it is distinctly different from the BR1 (1968) that I’ve been transcribing and showing lots of pictures from. First, the individual titles seem to have fewer volumes, but also just from this layout you can see that the establishment for who can claim what is in the same part of the document as the titles. As a result, there are fewer entries per page and the volume is longer. Here are a few examples from this volume.
The entirety of the volume, plus a PDF of the photos (which is 116 MB- 50% photo quality reduction from the originals) are available here, stored on google drive. There are 309 photos and the PDF in that folder. I will certainly discuss this document in further detail once I’ve had a chance to look at it closely. BR1 (1968) is dominating my attention right now research wise and to be honest, I have no idea how to bring this version into the same database, even though I’ve not done design yet. It’ll be tricky.