Re-visiting Fisheries History – Re-visiting Iceland
The introduction of the 200nm Exclusive Economic Zone off Iceland in 1976 was one of the most important turning points in the history of the North Atlantic fisheries. While it stimulated the fishing industries of coastal nations, it precipitated the decline of the distant-water fisheries of north-west Europe. Some four decades on, the long-term consequences of this pivotal event are not yet fully understood.
The North Atlantic Fisheries History Association (NAFHA) was founded in 1995 at a conference held in Iceland. It has since published a major two-volume History of the North Atlantic Fisheries, as well as the proceedings of fourteen conferences organized by NAFHA in all the major fishing nations fringing the North Atlantic. The Association has decided that in 2019 it will hold another conference in Iceland, the primary aim of which is to assess and explain what has happened to the fisheries, fish trade and fish stocks since the advent of the EEZs.
Researchers are invited to submit proposals for conference papers that explore themes such as the growth of industrial fish processing in the former distant-water fishing nations, the expansion of fish exports in the coastal nations, international trade agreements and tariffs for fish and fish products, changes in fish consumption patterns in an age of overfishing, and evolving attitudes towards managing and sustaining the resources of the ocean. Proposals for papers dealing with earlier epochs are also invited, so long as they contribute to a broader understanding of the post-1976 fisheries by offering contrasting perspectives or comparative analyses based on historical studies of past fisheries.
Proposals should comprise the title and abstract of the paper (400 words maximum), as well as the name, contact details and brief biography (200 words maximum) of the author and should be submitted in one pdf or word file to NAFHA2019@odu.eduprior to May 31st2019 to.
A limited number of travel bursaries and conference fee-waivers are available to enable PhD students with no institutional funding to present papers. Applications for a bursary should be clearly indicated on the paper proposal, and accompanied by a letter of support from the supervisor of the doctoral project.
Deadline for proposals: May 31st2019
On behalf of NAFHA and the Organization Committee for NAFHA 2019
Ingo Heidbrink
Professor of History – Old Dominion University, Co-Chair North Atlantic Fisheries History Association. BAL 8047 – ODU, Norolk, VA 23529 (USA)
skype: ingo.heidbrink