Beaches, Islands, Ports, and Ships: Placing the Pacific in the North American Maritime Imagination
North American Society for Oceanic History
2023 Annual Conference
Maritime Museum of San Diego
San Diego, California
Beaches, Islands, Ports, and Ships: Placing the Pacific in the North American Maritime Imagination, the 49th Conference of the North American Society for Oceanic History will be held at the San Diego Maritime Museum in San Diego, California, May 17-20, 2023.
The Pacific Ocean’s influence on North American maritime history spans the entire content and manifests in profound and surprising ways. Early European explorations of Northeastern North America and Great Lakes, the New England China Trade, the Mexican American War, whaling, the construction of the Panama Canal, the annexation of Hawaii, and the expansion of U.S. Navy are just of few the more obvious areas of Pacific influence. The Pacific coasts and islands are the homeland of diverse Indigenous maritime cultures whose ancient and contemporary histories have vital place in North America’s collective maritime heritage. The Pacific fisheries sustain native cultures, attracted immigrant fishers from around the world, and profoundly influence the American diet. The Hawaiian surfboard and surfer and Tiki culture span the globe.
The Pacific Ocean looms large in North American Maritime History. Papers or sessions that directly address the Pacific influences or topics are especially encouraged. While the Pacific influence is the focal point, the 2023 Program Committee invites papers and session proposals that explore a wide range of maritime connections, cultural landscapes, or an interweaving of both to examine the meaning and processes of maritime history.
Session and individual paper proposals should include: A) title, not to exceed 10 words; B) abstract, not to exceed 250 words; C) a 200-word bio for the presenter; D) contact information including phone number, address, affiliation, and email. Please submit this information as a single Word document, single-spaced, 12-point Times Roman font, and not as a PDF. Accommodation for PowerPoint presentations will be provided; any other requirements, including audio-visual equipment, special outlets, or accommodation for disabilities should be included in the proposal. Please note that all participants must register for the conference
Students may apply for a Chad Smith Travel Grant to assist in travel to present a paper at the conference. Additionally, each year NASOH bestows the Clark G. Reynolds Student Paper Award to the author of the best graduate student paper delivered at the conference. Please see the awards section of the NASOH website for details.
The deadline for proposal submission is February 28, 2023. Please submit proposal packets electronically to the Program Committee at
NASOH members and anyone interested in serving as panel chairs should send an email to the Program Committee at the same address.