The Centre for Maritime Historical Studies at the University of Exeter is pleased to announce its program for the Autumn 2020 research seminar:
October 21, 2020 at 5:00 pm
Dr. Erin Spinney (Mount Allison University): “Hospital Ships, Female Labour, and the British Naval Medical System in the Napoleonic Era” (co-hosted with the Centre for Medical History)
November 11, 2020 at 5:00 pm
Dr. Anna Brinkman (King’s College London): “‘International Law’ as Imperial Invasion: Anglo-Spanish Anti-Slave Trade Courts, Sovereignty, and the Balance of Power 1817-1862” (co-hosted with the Exeter Centre for Latin American History)
December 3, 2020 at 5:00 pm
Professor Maya Jasanoff (Harvard University): “Sailing into History: Researching the Life and World of Joseph Conrad”
All times are in GMT, and all events will be held on Zoom. Please reach out to Dr. Elin Jones, e.f.jones@exeter.ac.uk, to be added to invitation list.
Events are generously supported by the Society for Nautical Research and the University of Exeter College of Humanities.