Prince Arthur Waterfront Hotel
17 North Cumberland Street, Thunder Bay
Thursday, 22 August 2019
0830-0900 Registration
0900-1015 Panel 1
“Port Arthur and Fort William: Keys to the Great Lakes”:Early Films, Economic Vision, and the Promotion of the Canadian Lakehead
Michel Beaulieu Lakehead University
SLIGO: Work History of a 3-Mast Schooner on Lake Superior in the 1880’s
Bill Skrepichuk, Independent Researcher
1015-1045 Break sponsored by Lakehead University’sDepartment of History
1045-1200 Panel 2
Library and Archives Canada –Here to Help With All Your Nautical and Naval Research
Kelly-Anne Griffin, Library and Archives Canada
Beacons of Prosperity?
Paul Morralee, Canadian Lighthouses of Lake Superior
1200-1330 Lunch
1330-1530 Panel 3
A Desperate Measure for Desperate Times: Wooden Shipbuilding in Fort William, 1917-1918
Michael Moir, York University
Wonham’s War: From Lakehead to Lurcher Lightship
Jeff Noakes, Canadian War Museum
The RCN Submarine Squadron: Historical Trends and Advocating a Direction for Canadian Submarine Procurement in the 21st Century,
Ambjorn Adomeit, Canadian Nautical Research Society
1700-1900 Reception
Sponsored by the City of Thunder Bay, Office of the City Clerk Icebreaker CCGS Alexander Henry,Sleeping Giant Parkway
Dinner on own
Friday, 23 August 2019
0830-0900 Registration
0900-1015 Panel 4
How the Royal Navy and the British World understood the forgotten single ship actions of the American War, 1813-1815, Nicholas Kaizer,Mount Saint Vincent University
The Penetanguishene Decision: To Be a Naval Yard or Not to Be
Thomas Malcomson, Canadian Nautical Research Society
1015-1045 Break Sponsored by Lakehead University’s Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities
1045-1200 Panel 5
Nineteenth Century Perceptions of Yellow Fever in Veracruz, Mexico
Marti Klein, California State University Fullerton
A Historic Shoreline Reclaimed by the Sea: Point Pleasant Battery, 1762-2013
Roger Sarty, Wilfrid Laurier University
1200-1330 Lunch
1330-1445 Panel 6
Late Victorian British Shipping Legislation Reform and the Advocacy of Sir John Glover
William Glover, Canadian Nautical Research Society
Private Inventions, Public Purse: Innovation in the Victorian Navy
Erika Behrisch Elce, Royal Military College of Canada
1445-1515 Break
1515-1630 Panel 7
Four Years Before the Book:The Perils, Pitfalls, and (Infrequent) Joys of Producing and Publishing A Maritime Book
Ira Breskin, SUNY Maritime College
Federal Policing in Canadian Seaports 1974-79
Chris Madsen, Canadian Forces College
1700-1900 Reception
CNRS Awards HMCS Griffon
125 Algoma Street North
Saturday, 24 August 2019
0900-1015 Panel 8
Differing Canadian and American Approaches to Maritime Air Power in the Northwest Atlantic, 1941-1943
Richard Goette, Canadian Forces College
The Mainguy Report and the Postwar Incidents in the Royal Canadian Navy
Richard Gimblett, Canadian Nautical Research Society
1015-1030 Break
1030-1200 Annual General Meeting