The Harley Fellowships – the only ones of their kind in Europe – provide support for those working on the history of cartography, from any discipline, doing research in historical map collections in the United Kingdom. Awards range up to £2000.
The following link provides all the necessary information and answers many frequently asked questions. If applying, please indicate in your application if you are a postgraduate or an early career researcher within five years of completion of your Ph.D., and mention where you learned about the fellowships.
In light of the current coronavirus outbreak, the fellowship Trustees remind you that you are reminded that you are responsible for checking your own country’s and the UK government’s travel advice, making your own travel and accommodation arrangements and ensuring that the collections you wish to consult will be open during your visit. For UK-based research you should check local and UK government guidance regularly (https://www.gov.uk/coronavirus), as well as that of the institution/organization in which you are intending to work.
The Trustees will consider extending the award for a period longer than 2020–21 if it becomes necessary because of restrictions arising from COVID-19.
Email applications should be sent to Rose Mitchell, Honorary Secretary, J.B. Harley Fellowships and Map archivist, The National Archives of the United Kingdom, at rose.mitchell@nationalarchives.gov.uk by 1 November 2020.