I swear I’m not in a rut, I’ve just been very busy the past few weeks (working morning shifts at work- maintenance- getting ferries ready for the season), which means I’ve had very little time in which to work on projects other than this one recently – which is air given that the conference I’m presenting at is on June 22nd.
Anyways, the good news is- as I mentioned before, transcription of BR 1 1968 is complete. Further, I have also written the script to upload it to the database, and have in fact uploaded it to the database. So I have a functional database. It’s something like 418k KiB, so not very big, all things considered.
It took me a couple of coding days (not actual days, a few hours at a time) to get it working- I’m so used to working through WPDB (word press database) that I’d forgotten how to use MYSQLI to do database stuff from the command line scripts for PHP. Thankfully, I had some old code from 2017, from the first attempts at uploading ADM8 records to a database- before I had the web interface that makes that task so much easier and really cuts down on mistakes. Thankfully, the catalogue data works well with CSV and small scripts so it’s easy to do this way as opposed to a line-by-line basis through a web interface.
My plan is to move the BR1 1968 database onto the website here sometime soon after the conference- mostly because I should have time by then to write a research interface. In the mean time, I’ll be doing a bunch of queries through phpmyadmin.
Now if I could only remember how to do anything at all in R.. then I could come up with some very cool visualizations.
I very much look forward to sharing this data with everybody, and also sharing my conference presentation – notes, not a paper per se- though maybe once I get the 1951 editions transcribed I’ll write a research note on the comparison between them.
I very much look forward to writing here about something else soon.