2016 is the Royal New Zealand’s 75th Anniversary, and from 18-20 November, Auckland (home to HMNZS Philomel naval base in Devonport) is hosting an international fleet as part of a celebration. Sam McLean was luckily in Auckland, and took photos of a number of the ships that were in port. This blog contains a large number of photos.
These were the plans. Due to the earthquake that happened on 14 November, several ships including HMCS Vancouver, USS Sampson, and HMNZS Canterbury are away helping people around Kaikoura, on the South Island. They are scheduled to be in Auckland on Sunday.

another view of HMNZS Philomel, and a sneak peak of a Collins-class submarine from the Royal Australian Navy (HMAS Dechaineux)
Photos of RSS Resolution, an Endurance Class LHD of the Republic of Singapore Navy
photos of INS Sumitra, a Saryu class patrol boat of the Indian Navy, which has in the past served as the Presidential Yacht.
Photos of ROKS Chungbuk, an Incheon class Frigate of the Republic of Korea Navy which was commissioned in January 2016.
Photos of KRI Banda Aceh, a Makassar class LPD of the Indonesian Navy.
HMNZS Manawanui, a diving support vessel of the RNZN.
Photos of other ships, unfortunately it wasn’t possible to get up close and see them and get more details.
This was a fantastic opportunity to see some warships and other naval vessels in Auckland Harbour.
Great, looks sunnier than it will be when I am there Sunday.
None of the ships dispatched to Kaikoura are listed to be back for Sunday (per revised listing for the event). Which is a real pity, as I was wanting to see a Canadian Sea King.
However they are doing fine work transhipping supplies off HMNZS Canterbury